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Zomato Gurgaon : Customer Sues Over ‘Fresh’ Food Delivery from Lucknow in 30 Minutes


Discover the legal battle sparked by a Zomato customer in Gurgaon after receiving food from a Lucknow restaurant within an astonishing 30-minute delivery time.

Questioning Zomato’s ‘Legends’ Policy

Sourav Mall, 24, raises concerns about Zomato’s rapid delivery promise under the ‘Legends’ category, where food from distant cities like Lucknow is delivered swiftly, challenging the feasibility and authenticity of such claims.

Legal Action Against Zomato

Mall takes legal action against Zomato’s ‘Legends’ policy, alleging misleading practices and questioning the logistics of delivering food from cities hundreds of kilometers away within a short timeframe.

Court Summons Issued

Following Mall’s petition, the local court in Saket issues summons to Zomato, initiating a legal showdown over the controversial ‘Legends’ delivery service.

Allegations of Misrepresentation

Mall’s advocates argue that the food is not sourced directly from the specified cities but stored in Zomato’s warehouses, casting doubt on the authenticity of the delivery process.

Deceptive Packaging and Claims

Mall alleges that the food, delivered in Zomato-branded packaging, does not adhere to the promised authenticity and freshness associated with iconic restaurant partners.

Zomato’s Response and Past Claims

Contrary to Mall’s experience, Zomato’s blog in 2022 suggests that ‘Legends’ orders are delivered the next day, raising questions about the consistency and transparency of Zomato’s service claims.

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