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Tragic Tale: Pet Dog Guards Bodies of 2 Trekkers in Himachal Pradesh

Pet Dog Guards Bodies

A heart-wrenching incident unfolded in the serene landscapes of Himachal Pradesh’s Bir Billing, where two trekkers met a tragic fate during their expedition. Their loyal companion, a German Shepherd, stood vigil over their bodies for 48 hours until rescue teams finally located them on February 6.

The Grim Discovery

Abhinandan Gupta (30), hailing from Shivnagar, Pathankot, and Pranita Wala (26) from Maharashtra, went missing during their trekking adventure. Their lifeless forms were found approximately three kilometers below the takeoff point, thanks to the incessant barking of their faithful canine companion.

Exposing the Mystery

Authorities suspect that the trekkers met their demise following a fatal fall in the snow, with signs indicating a tragic accident. The man’s body bore the marks of wild animal attacks, adding to the harrowing nature of the incident.

Desperate Search and Rescue

After the trekkers failed to return as expected, Abhinandan Gupta’s family raised the alarm, prompting a search operation by local authorities and rescue teams. Despite the challenging conditions, the unwavering loyalty of their pet dog ultimately led to the discovery of their bodies.

Final Farewell

Following postmortem examinations at the sub-divisional hospital, the bodies were handed over to their grieving families. The tragic loss has left a profound impact on the close-knit community, with both trekkers leaving behind fond memories and a legacy of adventure.

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