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Karnataka Hookah Ban to Safeguard Public Health

Karnataka Hookah Ban

Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao enforces a state-wide ban on hookah to protect public health, citing data from the WHO Global Adult Tobacco Survey. Learn about the alarming statistics on tobacco use and the rationale behind the ban.

Karnataka Health Minister Implements State-wide Hookah Ban

Dinesh Gundu Rao, the Health Minister of Karnataka, has taken a decisive step towards safeguarding public health by imposing a state-wide ban on hookah, effective from February 7. This move comes as a response to alarming statistics on tobacco use and the associated health risks, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS-2).

Data from WHO Survey

According to the WHO data, 22.8% of adults in Karnataka use tobacco, with 8.8% identified as smokers. Additionally, a staggering 23.9% of adults are exposed to second-hand smoke in public places, highlighting the pervasive risk of tobacco consumption in the state. The decision to ban hookah is grounded in these concerning statistics, aiming to curb the prevalence of tobacco-related illnesses.

Rationale Behind the Ban

The order issued by the Health Minister prohibits not only the sale of hookah and related ingredients but also advertising and the business of hookah. It emphasizes the health risks associated with hookah use, including the transmission of diseases such as herpes and hepatitis due to its communal nature. Minister Rao highlighted the equivalence of hookah consumption to smoking 20-40 cigarettes, underscoring the urgency of the ban.

Focus on Public Health Initiatives

Prior to the hookah ban, Minister Rao inaugurated a new comprehensive cancer care center and deluxe rooms at the Kasturba Medical College (KMC) hospital. The government also announced plans to provide free MRI and CT scans across the state, aiming to enhance healthcare accessibility and affordability for all residents.

Joint Efforts Against Illegal Hookah Consumption

In a related incident in Haryana’s Gurugram, a joint team conducted raids at two outlets in a mall for allegedly serving hookahs containing nicotine illegally. The authorities apprehended three employees and seized nine hookahs along with intoxicants of various flavors. This enforcement action underscores the commitment to combat illegal tobacco consumption across regions.


Karnataka’s state-wide ban on hookah reflects a proactive approach towards addressing public health concerns associated with tobacco use. Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao’s initiatives underscore the government’s commitment to promoting health and well-being among its citizens. By implementing stringent measures and raising awareness about the risks of tobacco consumption, Karnataka aims to create a healthier environment for its residents.

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