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Dominate YouTube Videos in India: Your Guide to Earning ₹1 Lakh/Month

Earnings from YouTube Videos in India

Earnings from YouTube Videos in India

Earnings for YouTube Videos in India can vary significantly based on several factors, including the number of views, engagement rate, monetization methods, niche, and the geographical location of the audience. Below is a detailed breakdown of how earnings are generated from YouTube Videos and Shorts in India, with specific examples and estimates.

Earnings from YouTube Videos in India

1. Ad Revenue

a. YouTube Partner Program (YPP):

b. CPM Rates in India:

Example Calculation:

2. Channel Memberships

a. Monthly Fees:

b. Example:

3. Super Chat and Super Stickers

a. Live Stream Earnings:

b. Example:

4. Merchandise Sales

a. YouTube Merchandise Shelf:

b. Example:

5. Affiliate Marketing

a. Affiliate Links:

b. Example:

6. Sponsored Content

a. Brand Deals:

b. Example:

Earnings from YouTube Shorts in India

YouTube Shorts is a relatively new feature, and while it currently doesn’t generate ad revenue like regular videos, there are other ways to earn:

1. YouTube Shorts Fund

a. Monthly Payouts:

b. Example:

2. Channel Growth

a. Increased Subscribers:

b. Example:

Potential Earnings Overview

  1. Small Channel (1,000 – 10,000 subscribers):
    • Ad Revenue: ₹1,000 – ₹10,000 per month
    • Channel Memberships: ₹500 – ₹5,000 per month
    • Merchandise Sales: ₹1,000 – ₹10,000 per month
  2. Medium Channel (10,000 – 100,000 subscribers):
    • Ad Revenue: ₹10,000 – ₹1,00,000 per month
    • Channel Memberships: ₹5,000 – ₹50,000 per month
    • Merchandise Sales: ₹10,000 – ₹1,00,000 per month
  3. Large Channel (100,000+ subscribers):
    • Ad Revenue: ₹1,00,000 – ₹10,00,000+ per month
    • Channel Memberships: ₹50,000 – ₹5,00,000+ per month
    • Merchandise Sales: ₹1,00,000 – ₹10,00,000+ per month


Earnings from YouTube can vary greatly depending on the content, audience, and engagement level. By diversifying income streams through ad revenue, memberships, merchandise, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content, YouTubers can maximize their earnings. For those in India, understanding the local CPM rates and leveraging the YouTube Shorts Fund can further enhance their revenue potential.

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