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DPS RK Puram Bomb Threat; Immediate Evacuation and Search Operation Initiated


Delhi Public School (DPS) RK Puram receives bomb threat via email, prompting swift action. The school is evacuated, and authorities launch a search operation following the security alert. Stay updated on the developing situation in Delhi.

DPS RK Puram Bomb Threat

In a concerning incident, Delhi Public School (DPS) in RK Puram faced a security threat on Friday as the school received a bomb threat via email. The alert was received around 9 am, leading to immediate actions by the school administration and law enforcement agencies.

Immediate Response:

As reported by the PTI news agency, DPS RK Puram received an email indicating the presence of two bombs on the school premises. Responding swiftly to the security threat, the school administration promptly informed the police to initiate necessary measures.

Evacuation and Search Operation:

In light of the bomb threat, DPS RK Puram took decisive action by evacuating the school premises to ensure the safety of students, staff, and faculty. Simultaneously, law enforcement agencies launched a comprehensive search operation to assess and neutralize any potential threat.

Collaboration with Authorities:

Authorities, including local police and specialized units, are working closely with the school administration to conduct a thorough inspection of the premises. The goal is to ensure the security and well-being of everyone associated with the school while addressing the potential threat responsibly.

Ongoing Developments:

As the situation unfolds, it is crucial for parents, students, and the community to stay updated on the developments surrounding the bomb threat at DPS RK Puram. Regular updates from official sources and communication from the school will provide insights into the progress of the search operation and the overall security assessment.

Community Assurance:

Local authorities and the school administration are expected to issue statements to reassure the community about the steps taken to address the situation and ensure the safety of the school environment. Open communication and transparency in sharing information play a pivotal role in managing such incidents responsibly.


The bomb threat at DPS RK Puram underscores the importance of a swift and coordinated response to potential security risks in educational institutions. The safety and well-being of students and staff remain the top priority, and ongoing collaboration between the school administration and authorities is critical for a thorough and effective resolution of the situation. As the incident develops, it is essential for the community to stay informed through official channels for accurate and timely updates.

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