
CES 2024 Unveils Revolutionary iPhone with Physical Keyboard: A Game-Changer in Mobile Tech

iPhone with a physical keyboard?

CES 2024 : If you are an iPhone user who misses the tactile feeling of typing on a real keyboard, you might be interested in a new accessory that was unveiled at CES 2024. It is called Clicks, and it is a case that adds a physical keyboard with real buttons to your iPhone 14 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. Here is everything you need to know about this innovative product.

What is Clicks (CES 2024) ?

Clicks is a startup company founded by two popular YouTubers, Michael Fisher (Mr. Mobile) and Kevin Michaluk (CrackBerry Kevin), who are both fans of physical keyboards on smartphones. They decided to create a product that would bring back the nostalgia and functionality of typing on a real keyboard, but for the iPhone.

Clicks is a wraparound case that connects to your iPhone via the charging port (Lightning or USB-C, depending on the model). It has a full QWERTY keyboard at the bottom, with backlit keys and a command button for shortcuts. The keyboard does not cover the screen, so you can still see the full display while typing.

Why use Clicks?

Clicks offers several benefits for iPhone users who want to type faster, more accurately, and more comfortably. Some of the advantages of using Clicks are:

– You can type without looking at the screen, which can improve your productivity and focus.
– You can avoid typos, autocorrect errors, and accidental touches that can happen on a virtual keyboard.
– You can enjoy the satisfying feedback and sound of pressing real buttons, which can enhance your typing experience.
– You can use the command button to access various functions, such as going to the home screen, launching the search bar, or opening apps.
– You can keep your full screen when typing, without a virtual keyboard taking up space.

iPhone with a physical keyboard?

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How to get Clicks?

Clicks is currently available for pre-order on its official website¹ for $139. It comes in two colors: London Sky (gray) and Bumble Bee (yellow). It is compatible with the iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max. The company plans to expand to other iPhone models and Android devices in the future.

Clicks is expected to ship in March 2024. You can also check out some of the reviews and demos of Clicks from the CES 2024 event²³⁴.

Clicks is a new iPhone accessory that adds a physical keyboard with real buttons to your device. It is designed for iPhone users who want to type faster, more accurately, and more comfortably. It is also a nostalgic and fun product that brings back the old days of physical keyboards on smartphones. If you are interested in getting Clicks, you can pre-order it now on its website¹ or wait for its official launch in March 2024.

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